Benefits Of Aguaje Fruit - SIKHARAMTV


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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Benefits Of Aguaje Fruit

If you have been interested in getting a bigger buttocks or a curvier figure for sometime now, you may be aware of the super fruit known as Aguaje.Commonly nicknamed as the “curvy fruit”,  it is a dietary staple for the woman of the amazon regions of Peru.However, due to the recent popularity, Aguaje is something women around the world are taking in the hopes of getting a curvier figure — the natural way.
What is Aguaje
Aguaje is a palm tree that grows out of the damp regions of Southern America. It is also known as Mauritia flexuosa, ite palm, ita, canagucho (Colombia) and moriche palm.
How Does Aguaje Work
Aguaje is an extrodinary fruit containing 7-12 times more beta-carotene (vitamin A) than carrots. Along with that it also contains high amounts of vitamin C and E.But probably what Aguaje is most famous for is its high amounts of phytoestrogens. These are essentially natures “natural estrogen”, which are contained in abundance within this super fruit.Phytoestrogens through the consumption of phytoestrogenic plants will mimic the effects of your bodies own estrogen.Now there is a connection between higher estrogen levels and more fat around the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Similarly woman with too little body fat can be suffering from low estrogen.Typically woman with higher levels tend to have a more fertile and curvy figure, especially in the hips, buttocks, and thigh regions. So if your body is not producing enough estrogen on its own, you can manually increase it naturally through your diet — and thats where the aguaje logic for curvacious growth comes in.
Used by women trying to get a bigger buttock, thighs, hips, etc
Used to increase estrogen in the body.
Used as a hormone support for women suffering the ill effects of menopause.
Used in skin creams to provide moisture and calm wrinkles.
Used by natives to its cultivated region for treating burns, scars, and generally soothing skin issues.
Provide essential fatty acids for general health purposes as well as supporting the production of collagen to help with skin elasticity and firmness.
Contains vitamin c which aids in immune system support and collagen production.
Controlling hot flashes.

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