Remedies For Dark Inner Thighs - SIKHARAMTV


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Monday, April 30, 2018

Remedies For Dark Inner Thighs

If you have this problem, home remedies for dark inner thighs are perhaps the best approach you should opt for. There are many at home or natural ways to whiten the in between thighs skin. We will discuss some of the most effective ways you can use. So, how to get rid of dark inner thighs naturally.
1.Lemon Juice + coconut oil
“Lemon juice acts a natural bleaching agent’  and will get rid all the blemishes. On the other hand, coconut oil is a good inner thigh dark skin lightener that can also be it can used to lighten dark feet, knuckles among other body parts. Furthermore, coconut oil will keep your skin moisturized since lemon can leave your skin dry.
Add 3 teaspoons of coconut oil to juice extracted from a half fresh lemon
Massage the skin between your thighs for about 15-20 minutes
Wash it off using warm water before drying by pat with clean dry piece cloth.
You can then apply olive or coconut oil to keep it moisturized. In case you want to rub a half a lemon directly on your thigh, you have to wash it after 15 minutes then apply olive oil.
2.Lemon + curd
Curd will be helpful in moisturizing your skin. It also has whitening and acidic properties that will stop any infections while lemon as said earlier has skin whitening properties.
Squeeze half a lemon to about a teaspoon of curd that has slightly gone sour.
Add a little (pinch) of besan or gram flour and haldi or turmeric to this mixture
Apply it on your dark skin between thighs and let it dry
Rub gently in circular motion, you can add a little water while rubbing
Wash it off and part to dry
3.Honey + Sugar + Lemon
Sugar will exfoliate dark inner thighs to remove any dead skin that might be present, honey will moisturize the skin while lemon being a natural bleaching agent will help reduce the dark pigmentation.
Mix 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of honey to half squeezed lemon juice.
Rub the resulting paste on your black inner thighs in circular motion until the sugar vanishes.
Let it stay for about 10 minutes before you can use warm water to wash it off.
4.Tomato + Potato Juice + Honey
Tomato and potato juice work well as bleaching agents that can whiten dark inner thighs or any other body part but they are particularly important for people who have a very sensitive skin. On the other hand, honey will act as a moisturizing and soothing agent. This remedy is good for persistent dark spots too.
Add half peeled and grated potato to tomato juice (same amount) before adding a few honey drops.
Rub this mixture on your dark thighs gently
Wash the paste off after about 5-10 minutes before patting it do dry with a clean piece of cloth.
5.Lemon juice + Cucumber + Sandalwood
Sandalwood and cucumber work well as “natural cooling agents which soothe the tender skin of the in between your thighs” while lemon as usual has lightening properties.
Add tablespoon of sandalwood power to a peeled and grated cucumber. Add a lemon juice to the mixture.
Apply and let it stay until it dries off.
Wash the paste off
If you happen to be having chafing, do not use lemon juice since it can cause some irritation
6.Milk + Honey + Almond Oil
Almond oil will help in lightening your skin since it has plenty of vitamins E. Milk and honey nourishes the affected area while they stops any infections.
Mix 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of almond oil and 2 tablespoons of honey.
Apply it and let it remain there for about 15 minutes.
Wash it off with water the after it has dried
7.Curd + Oats + Honey
Oats will be important in exfoliation dark skin on inner thighs while curd will leave a smooth feeling. Honey being a strong antibacterial agent will keep any infection at bay.
Add a few drops of honey to a mixture of oats and curd, each one tablespoon
Apply it the in between thigh skin you want to whiten
Clean it off after a few minutes using water before patting it to dry it.
8.Almond Oil + Aloe Vera gel 
Aloe Vera will help in reducing inflammation as well are repair your skin quickly and it can be used for people of all skin types. On the other hand, almond oil, since it has vitamins E will help in lightening dark inner thighs.
Add a few drops of almond oil to about 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
Massage gently until absorption into the skin has occurred
Wash it off when it starts becoming sticky
9.Honey + Orange Peels
Going on with ways how to get rid of dark skin on inner thighs, using a mixture of orange peels and honey can be helpful since orange peels contain vitamin C that works as a natural bleaching agent. When used with honey, it leaves a smooth supple skin without any blemishes.
Squeeze a half an orange peel into a teaspoon of honey to get its contents that are acidic
Afterwards, grate the peel or prepare an orange peel power and add it to the above mixture to form a paste.
Apply the paste and wash off after about 15 minutes.
10.Lemon + Rose Water + Glycerine
For spotless and soft inner thighs, use a mixture of lemon, rosewater and glycerin. These ingredients will both lighten and moisturize your skin.
Add 4-5 drops of rose water to a mixture of glycerine and lemon juice
Apply it before you go to bed and let it stay overnight
Wash it off the following morning as you are taking a shower.
Other Home Remedies for Whitening Dark Inner Thighs
Adding lemon oil to your warm bath water
Grinding almonds and apply the resultant paste on your things can be of much help if you cannot get pure almond oil
Use green papaya extracts since it has a powerful skin whitening enzymes that will lighten your skin quickly
Use bathing soaps and/or scrubs that contain the licorice essential oil or adding this essential oil to your bath water can be of much help.
Dab apple cider vinegar on your in between thigh skin and let it dry. You can wash it off as you are taking your bath
Use a mixture of apple cider vinegar and baking soda. You can apply this mixture, let it dry before you can wash it off after like 20 minutes.
Sesame seed or sunflower oil can also be used to massage for about 5 minutes before you can wash them off.

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